"Resista Flame"
Flame resistant for all fabrics
“Resista Flame” (flame proofing)
“Resista Flame” (flame proofing) is a carefully balanced flameproofing formula. A special softening agent has been added to avoid any harshness or stiffness of a treated fabric, plus a special type penetrating formula to assist in the impregnation of the material being treated. This is an exclusive formula of D.W. Davies & Co.
The application of “Resista Flame” consists simply of immersing the fabric in a solution containing 1 ½ to 2lbs. Of “Resista Flame” per gallon of water, then extracting fabrics lightly. Normal drying temperatures do not affect “Resista Flame”, although each individual fabric should be given careful consideration in respect to the drying temperature used. All sizing on the fabric should be removed before “Resista Flame” solution is applied.
The “Resista Flame” solution can also be applied by spraying; the usual procedure is to first apply a light spray, to provide some wetting action, then follow with a heavy spray until the desired penetration is obtained. In instances where the immersion or spraying procedure is not practical, it is possible to obtain fair results by brushing or painting with “Resista Flame”.
The degree of impregnation required will vary, depending upon the general characteristics of the material being treated. Some fabrics become satisfactorily flame-resistant with a pick-up of as little at 7% of the “Resista Flame” compound on a dry basis. No hard and fast rules can be laid down because the exact treatment must be worked out for each individual material. This can be done only by trial methods. Flameproofed fabrics are not resistant to laundering, but are somewhat resistant to dry cleaning. The iron or mangle should not be too hot when ironing treated fabric.
NOTE: In general, any known product does not effectively flameproof synthetic fabrics, particularly Celanese. We have, however, found in many cases, our exclusive formula high-impregnating rating does do the job – we do urge making a test run, however, to be assured of proper impregnation.