Oil & Sludge Emulsifier
What is it?
Grease, oil, slime solvent and scum cake emulsifier.
Who needs it?
Waste disposal plants, wet wells, lift stations, digesters, and sewer lines
Selling points:
Eliminates oil and sludge build-up
Gets rid of scum and grease problems throughout plant
Homogenizes oil for plant digestion
Saves time and labor on cleaning tank side walls
Cuts down foam problems
Compatible with other plant chemicals
No phosphates
No quarter nary compounds
Will not affect B.O.D. or O.D.I.
Harmless to sewage digestion
Add directly to digesters before recirculating to dissolve the scum blanket. Pour into any part or inspection hold in the cover. The exact amount to use will vary with individual plants. Usually 35-55 gallons is sufficient to un-stuck even the most severe cases. Use at least 3 parts of water to one part of production. One gallon to 1000 gallons of sludge for average use.
Total Plant Maintenance
Use for total plant maintenance. The following method will keep plants grease free and eliminate further scum problems. Drop into the influent at the rate of ½ to 1 ½ ppm (45 drop per minute equals one gallon in 24 hours.)
Wet Wells and Lift Stations
Drip directly into wet wells and lift stations to help control grease. Add 1 or 2 gallons of product to lift stations and let rise for 30 minutes to dissolve grease build-up. May be sprayed around the side ways to dissolve grease and scum build-up.