"Ultra-Lub" is a concentrated lubricant having experienced very wide acceptance in industry as a very high quality lubricating agent and most economical to use due to being a concentrate for user to add their own water.
The following are a few reasons for the very high success this product has had with industry.
- Superb lubrication
- Excellent rust inhibition properties
- Low unit cost
- Completely biodegradable
- Non-irritating
- Non-toxic
- Soluble in tap water
- Easily cleaned from machine and parts after use
- Burnishing Compound – light work . . .1 pint "Ultra-Lub" to 100 gallons of water, heavy work . . . 1 gallon "Ultra-Lub" to 100 gallons of water.
- Drawing & Stamping Compound – 1 pint "Ultra-Lub" to 30 or 100 parts water depending on severity of draw.
- Metal Cutting Lub – 1 part "Ultra-Lub" to 20 parts water renders superior, cleaner work and extended tool life.
- Billet Cutting, Non-Ferrous – 1 part "Ultra-Lub" to 40 parts water. Spray or flow onto saw blade at cut . . . safe, better, blade life . . . faster and finer cuts.
- Cold Rolling – 1 parts "Ultra-Lub" with 25 parts water. Spray on material to be worked or dip material onto solution.
- Link Fence Weaving – 1 parts "Ultra-Lub" to 50 parts water.
- Pipe Joint Lubricant – A soluble, light yellow, nearly odorless paste-like compound for use in lubricating and setting concrete and tile piping. Features: Easy to apply, Thixotropic, Clings to concrete and soil pipes, spreads rapidly, ropes as applied, works on wet or dry pipe, non-toxic, contains mineral additives, harmless to rubber, neoprene, urethane and other common gasketing, workable from + 40° F - + 120° F.
- Conveyor Chain Lub – Dairies and bottling plants use "Ultra-Lub" . . . 1 part to 40 parts water.
Use without dilution to wipe or brush pipe joints. Gasketing or ring seals should also be treated. Enough compound should be used to produce a continuous slick surface. Delayed setting action of the compound will allow some reworking of pipe joints when necessary. Note: Not intended for underwater use and cannot be successfully applied to joints that are under water. Packaging: Available in 450# drums.
"Ultra-Lub" is classed as a low-foam lubricant. However, there will be some foam. In application, when more foam control is desirable, simple add 5 oz. of Davies "Foam-Ban" to each 50 gallons of diluted "Ultra-Lub"
"Ultra-Lub" will provided superb lubrication with an extremely low cost . . . one of the highest quality lubircants on the market and end usage far more economical than that of ordinary lubricants due to "Ultra-Lub" being a concentrate for end user to add their own water.